Analysis of China’s fastener market size and development trend in 2019

Compared with foreign advanced levels, the technical level gap of China’s fastener industry is still large, mainly reflected in production equipment and raw materials. Most of China’s fastener manufacturing enterprises are small in scale, backward in production technology, poor in equipment, slow in technological innovation, and poor in surface treatment. As a result, the production capacity of low-level products in China’s fastener industry is excessive, and demand for high-end fasteners exceeds supply; The variety, specifications, and quality of domestic fastener steels have not yet fully met the requirements of the fastener industry, resulting in the procedures that should have been resolved in the metallurgical industry being transferred to fastener companies. At present, only a few companies can rely on themselves Strong comprehensive strength to solve this problem.

Innovative fastener technology is the support for the development of fasteners. The trend of technological development determines the development of the industry to a certain extent. The core technology of fasteners is not only to accelerate the development of special steel grades, but also to integrate the technical details and know-how of the manufacturing, testing and heat treatment of fasteners. In the future, China’s fastener technology should gradually move closer to foreign advanced levels in terms of material selection, structural design, manufacturing process, special process, detection technology, surface coating technology and quality control. At the same time, the production of intelligent, integrated and extraordinary Development will also be the main trend of the industry’s technological development.

1. Intelligent manufacturing is a new manufacturing mode of fasteners, which is the inevitable result of the development of automation, digitalization, networking and intelligentization of mechanical manufacturing. As labor costs continue to rise, product quality requirements continue to increase, demand diversity is increasingly prominent, and the fastener industry’s need for intelligent manufacturing is becoming more and more urgent. Intelligent manufacturing will greatly improve the productivity and efficiency of fasteners, reduce the labor cost of enterprises, improve the working environment and labor intensity of workers, and improve product quality and reliability. Intelligent manufacturing includes intelligent manufacturing processes and intelligent equipment. The intelligentization of the manufacturing process requires the development of various intelligent manufacturing systems, automated or intelligent production lines, and then the construction of digital workshops, digital factories and digital enterprises. The intelligentization of equipment requires enterprises to increase investment in scientific research and development and technological innovation, and increase the capacity of production equipment and production matching. The key technical challenges for the intelligent manufacturing of fasteners in the next few years are: automated and intelligent cold heading precision forming technology, cold heading machine technology and equipment for large-scale fasteners, precision forming technology for complex shape fasteners, automated logistics equipment, and Automatic heat treatment production line.

2. Fusion Manufacturing Fusion is a multi-disciplinary cross-fusion, and the combination of multiple processes is a trend in the new era. The fusion of mechanical manufacturing technology and information technology and various high-tech, fusion of machinery and materials, integration of technology and culture will continue to inject new vitality into the development of fasteners. The application of fusion technology will generate new fastening components, manufacturing processes, processing equipment and systems, which will greatly enrich the product system of fasteners and expand product functions.

In addition, what is particularly worth mentioning in converged manufacturing is process recombination and integrated innovation. Process recombination refers to the integration of multiple processes and procedures into a single device, which greatly reduces process links and site occupation, improves work efficiency, and improves product quality. Integrated innovation is an innovative activity that transforms various fusions into scientific and technological achievements and productivity. It is an important way for integrated manufacturing and is the main type of current fastener technology innovation. It is foreseeable that in the near future, there will be many innovations in the manufacturing of fasteners, which will directly promote the rapid development of technology in the fastener industry.

3. Ultra-normal manufacturing With the expansion of people’s living space and the rapid development of technology, the requirements for fasteners are becoming higher and higher, and they are used under conditions of maximum, minimum, ultra-high temperature, ultra-low temperature, ultra-high speed, and ultra-low speed. There are many fasteners emerging, and the manufacturing technology of these fasteners is very different from ordinary fasteners. Supernormal manufacturing includes two aspects of meaning: one is to manufacture fastener products used under extraordinary conditions; the other is the process and technology of manufacturing these fastener products. It is foreseeable that in the future, ultra-precision manufacturing, ultra-high-performance product manufacturing and extraordinary forming processes will be the symbol of the level of fastener manufacturing, and will also become the research and development direction of high-end fastener manufacturers.

For more information, please refer to the “Research Report on the Market Prospects and Investment Opportunities of China’s Fastener Industry 2019-2024″ issued by the China Business Industry Research Institute. Solutions for planning, industrial investment promotion, etc.

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Post time: Feb-13-2020