Carbon steel inventory reduction.The market demand increases, and the fasteners usher in the peak season.

The thread disk continued to rise yesterday. As of the end of the day, the closing price of thread 2110 contract was 5507 yuan / ton, up 70 yuan / ton or 1.29% compared with the closing price of the previous trading day, and the position decreased by 101000 hands.

The spot price rebounded and the transaction fell. The billet price in Tangshan increased by 30 yuan / ton to 5110 yuan / ton, the price of Zhongtian resources in Hangzhou market increased by 50 yuan / ton to 5280 yuan / ton, and the national building materials trading volume monitored by our steel was 184400 tons.

According to the data of steel network, the output of building materials rebounded from 3800 tons to 4117800 tons this week, the social warehouse chain decreased by 12800 tons to 5960800 tons, and the plant warehouse chain decreased by 53200 tons to 3665500 tons.

The output picked up slightly and the total inventory changed from up to down, indicating that the demand has improved.



Post time: Aug-12-2021