Indispensable fasteners

As large as high-speed rail, airplanes, robots, as small as mobile phones, cameras, computers, medical equipment, screws are indispensable. In addition to these products require screws, even some patients need special screws implanted in the body for the treatment of certain conditions . Fasteners represented by screws are not only small objects within reach of people’s lives, they are also described as “the best tool for the second millennium since the human era.”

As an indispensable tool, if there is a problem with the supply of fasteners, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on downstream enterprises. At present, the epidemic situation is still in the tackling phase, and the demand for various types of equipment represented by medical equipment and mask-related equipment is huge. For example, a company in Ningbo received an order for a rotary dehumidifier set customized by a mask raw material manufacturer for a non-woven electret processing workshop in Dalian. Self-tapping screws and other fasteners.


Post time: Feb-13-2020