Reveal what is the “technical time difference” of the fastener industry

In the past 10 years, the technological improvement of my country’s fastener manufacturing technology in the process of cooperation with foreign equipment has been invisible. my country’s fasteners occupy a pivotal position in the global fastener industry. However, there is still a big gap between the industry’s internal product types, quality grades, technical standards, and resource and environmental efforts compared with foreign advanced levels. , mainly manifested in the fact that there are still dual pressures of “surplus” and “shortage” in China’s fastener production. Invisible factors and keys behind.

Although domestic fastener manufacturing enterprises are strong, why foreign equipment is handed over to Chinese enterprises, the utilization rate of equipment and products will be very different. Where is the gap. This is what we call “technical time difference”, that is, the technical gap with foreign countries in terms of technology, use, production management, etc. other than hardware equipment. According to the evaluation of the average level of the domestic fastener manufacturing industry, especially for special-shaped parts and process matching involving complex processes, there is a “technical time difference” of about 10 to 20 years between the overall domestic level and the advanced foreign level.

“Technical jet lag” has some background reasons.

Educational background and development experience in China’s fastener industry.

Human thinking mode, one is the source of education. The second is work experience. my country’s current fastener professional and technical personnel, from 60 to 80 years old, education and work experience are basically “introduction, digestion, absorption, and improvement” mode. It is difficult to stimulate original and innovative thinking. Most people do things based on “workable experience”. Surely, for some reason, many workable experiences are wrong or have no theoretical basis. This would be better.

In the drawing workshops of domestic fastener companies, when it comes to the “mold matching scheme” of wire drawing machines, no one seems to know how to do it, but it is a very common phenomenon. Surprised, they found that most of the wire drawing “mold matching process” of Chinese fasteners (based on the existing rich practical experience) is logically “very confusing and unreasonable”, and some even do not conform to the theory of metal material processing deformation at all. , the result is of course “not necessarily infeasible but resource consumption or poor product quality”, which is one of the reasons why foreign equipment is not so good in the hands of domestic users.

There is no “technical difference”.

Domestic fastener experts usually do not agree that their technology is not advanced enough. Especially the large fastener companies, who have been in this industry for more than 30 years, have become an obstacle to accepting new ideas, and they will not easily deny themselves, often because their products and equipment are not advanced enough. In fact, every scientific and technological breakthrough is a process of negating existing existence again and again, and negation or questioning is the premise of innovation.

In other words, if today’s technical experts are allowed to “travel” to China in the next 20 years, will they still be industry experts in “that era”? The answer is numbers. This proves the existence of what we call “technical jetlag”.

How to speed up “technical time lag”.

First of all, we should admit the existence of “technical jet lag” and how to speed up and shorten “technical jet lag”. Some people say that it is necessary to wait for the post-90s or post-00s to become the backbone of the era, and cultivate innovative thinking in their education since childhood. Wait a moment? Wait a moment.

Usually, the “foreign advanced technology” we recognize refers to “advanced equipment”. Although many domestic technicians have many years of experience in using foreign equipment, this does not mean that they understand the design principles of the equipment. It may not be able to be copied or well absorbed and improved. In the process of equipment use, the personnel who frequently contact foreign companies are basically “after-sales service” rather than technical designers, and thus learn the core technology.

Cold heading machine

In addition, technology and equipment are inseparable. Advanced equipment only represents the “advanced” part. Here, our understanding of technology should be all aspects of the product manufacturing process. Including the use of equipment, conditions, material pretreatment, configuration scheme, daily maintenance management and other comprehensive macro technologies, rather than the “technical process” work scope within the enterprise.

Hardware equipment that represents advanced technology can be bought, but the “process” that represents software is difficult to buy. You can only learn and accelerate learning.

The “technical jet lag” is not enough to catch up.

“Technical jet lag” exists objectively. First of all, we must clear our own inherent concepts, that is, the “empty cup principle”, especially to recognize our own gap. Create learning opportunities. Fortunately, today’s Industry 4.0 and “2025″ made in China complement each other. Many foreign experts stand on this “end of the time difference”, and they are in the same era as us without going through them. Four-dimensional (time) It can become three-dimensional. If we can create or take advantage of opportunities, learn the details of technology, get to the bottom of it, know what it is, and why, it is not impossible to accelerate and shorten the “technical time difference” from now on. Manufacture a surplus of low-end fasteners.

Post time: Nov-16-2022