Tax rebate funds bring “timely rain” to intelligent manufacturing

In the “creative highland” in the east of Yantai High-tech Zone, there has never been a lack of atmosphere and passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. Since the beginning of this year, the Taxation Bureau of Yantai High-tech Industrial Development Zone of the State Administration of Taxation has resolutely implemented the new combined tax and fee support policy, and used the continuous release of policy dividends to empower the R&D and innovation of enterprises.


Tax benefits and dividends allow “little giants” to release “big energy”

Specialized and new “little giant” enterprises are the dynamic carriers of innovation momentum and the backbone of strengthening and strengthening the chain. Dongfang Lantian Titanium Technology Co., Ltd. is a specialized and new “little giant” enterprise in Yantai High-tech Zone. It is mainly engaged in the research and development and production of high-end aerospace fasteners and structural parts. In recent years, it has developed into a high-performance fastener in Shandong Province. industry leader. In the past three years, Dongfang Lantian Titanium Technology Co., Ltd. has invested more than 40 million yuan in research and development, which has brought a great test to the company’s capital operation ability. “Enterprises can unswervingly follow the path of scientific and technological innovation without the strong support of national policies and tax authorities. In 2021, we will enjoy an additional deduction of 24.93 million yuan for research and development expenses, revitalizing the capital chain for the rapid development of the enterprise.” Wang Zhaoyu, the person in charge, said that in 2021, the ratio of the deduction of R&D expenses for manufacturing enterprises will be increased to 100%, and the enjoyment time will be advanced, which has effectively boosted the confidence of enterprises in development. With excellent quality and technological content, the fastener products of Titanium Technology have been widely used in a series of major equipment.


The Yantai High-tech Zone Taxation Bureau insists on finalizing the new combined tax and fee support policy, continuously improves the quality and efficiency of tax and fee services, and increases its support for “specialized, special and new” enterprises, and effectively relieves the difficulties of enterprises. A few days ago, Shandong Huayu Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully selected into the list of the fourth batch of specialized, special and new “little giants” enterprises. In the view of general manager Wang Lei, it is inseparable from various national The support of preferential tax policies and the fine service of the tax department. “As a high-tech enterprise, we will enjoy an additional deduction of 19.69 million yuan for research and development expenses when the final settlement is made in 2021. The pocketing of tax dividends will make the company more confident and high-quality development.” Wang Lei said.


Tax rebate funds bring “timely rain” to intelligent manufacturing

The Xinhaoyang high-end precision bearing project is the smart manufacturing project with the largest investment in the high-tech zone in recent years. At present, various work is progressing steadily and orderly. After being fully put into operation, the project can produce more than 2,000 sets of high-end bearings annually, helping Yantai to build a strategic plan for the home port of northern offshore wind power, and polishing Yantai’s “new business card” for intelligent manufacturing.


Behind the smooth progress of the project is the high-quality service guarantee of the tax department. During the construction of the new Haoyang project, the Yantai High-tech Zone Taxation Bureau set up a team of experts to push “point-to-point” precise policies to enterprises, carried out “one-to-one” targeted counseling services, and followed up the whole process to guide enterprises to ensure accurate tax refunds. , to help the project construction run out of “acceleration”. According to Jiang Xiao, the financial director of Yantai Xinhaoyang Bearing Co., Ltd., in the critical period of project construction, the support of tax and preferential policies has enabled the enterprise to gain a firm foothold in R&D and production. Since the beginning of this year, with the concentrated realization of the dividends of the new combined tax and fee support policy, the company has enjoyed 20.4594 million yuan of value-added tax credits so far. , the key technology has broken the foreign monopoly, and the products are in short supply in the market.” Jiang Xiao said that the current project work is progressing smoothly and orderly, and most of the equipment in the workshop has been debugged. As the production conditions gradually mature, the project is officially mass-produced Just around the corner.


Combined with “I do practical things for taxpayers and payers and facilitate the people to handle the spring breeze action”, the Yantai High-tech Zone Taxation Bureau insists on implementing the new combined tax and fee support policy, making more efforts in the implementation of the policy, and upgrading the tax payment service. Use “good policies + good services” to create a good business environment for enterprises, activate new driving forces for enterprise development, and at the same time strengthen the risk prevention, in-process risk control and post-event risk management of retained tax refunds, so as to ensure the implementation of the retained tax refund policy. convoy.

Post time: Aug-19-2022